viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Post 3 The simpsons

Resultado de imagen para the whole system lisa simpson

This post is a difficult one for me since I'm not a fan of the series, even though I've seen many episodes and I recognize its cultural influence in chilean pop culture.

This ironic series that portrays many aspects of life from a comedy point of view, is by far one of the most well known series in our country due to the fact that it was aired for long hours during some years, not long ago.
The character I enjoy the most is Lisa, who is one of the thinking characters of the show. She is, just as I am, a vegetarian and has a critical point of view of what happens around her.

A fun thing that I find about it, is how it's said it has predicted events that happened in real life with episodes aired long ago. 

Resultado de imagen para the simpsons predictions

What do you think about this show? Tell me in a 180 word post about your thoughts on this legendary television program!
Some questions that could inspire you:

Who's your favorite character?
What's your favorite episode?
What's your opinion about its cultural impact in Chile?

Leave one comment in my post and in three of your classmates'.

23 comentarios:

  1. I love lisa, too, she is so intelligent!!!!

  2. The simpsons are my favourite T.V. show but my favourite character is Homer

  3. Professor, I should see the tv show more often

  4. My favourite character is also Lisa, she's great!

  5. Same, i'm not a big fan of the show, but i have to admit that it's impressive how The simpsons had modified the pop culture around the world

  6. ..."you dont live of salad"... you need watch more chapters of The simpsons!

  7. I understand you,I'm not a fan of the simpsons too

  8. I think it's curious how some things actually happens in real life!

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. I have never think about how this programme has influence in the culture
    -Teresa Reyes

  11. it's not usual for me watch the simpsons,but when a watch them i have a great moment.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. the simpsons predict the future better than horoscopes!!

  14. really? I think taht you have to give to The simspsons one opportunity

  15. Lisa is my favorite character too c: she is awesome!

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. I really don´t like lisa,she thinks she is superior to the rest :(
    but the series is great!

  18. the same happened to me, I'm not a fan of the simpsons too, but it's in the collective memory

  19. Lisa always ruin everything, her episodes are so borings

  20. Lisa was a good charapter, but in the last seassons are horrible, she is so insecure and know-it-all that she becomes hateful.

  21. Sometimes Lisa is kind of boring, but someone has to be the "bad" of the movie

  22. I love Lisa is one of my favorite characters


Post 10, Final Post

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